Wednesday, December 24, 2014

PeanutButter QUICKIE for Body Builders and Carb Conscious

Strawberry Fruit Spread-no sugar
Hot Seasoned  Peanuts [BBQ]
Sea Salt

Spread one stack of lettuce leaves with the 1&2
topping, add the BBQ peanuts
Top with second stack of lettuce leaves, salt top and bottom of outside of sandwich.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Soda Pop Jam

2 1/2 Cups of Diet Big Red or Diet Sprite
Large Pot
6 Tb. of Traditional Ball Powdered Pectin
Additional Sweetened Powdered drink mix if desired    in say Peach or Strawberry or Punch  only a bout half a tsp.

Boil on stove top in a rolling boil for half a minute or so. Takes about 10 minutes on medium to high heat.

Cool slightly and poor into clean glass jar. Refrigerate and use by two weeks. Or, freeze and use in two weeks after thawing.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Soup Diet

1. Chili con Carne
2. The Pritikan/South Beach Cabbage Soup
3. Cream of Tomato with canned tomato sauce, seasonings, a pinch of yellow prepared mustard, worcestershire and Tabasco pepper sauce.
4. Green Bean Soup with beef bouillion and some processed reduced fat American or any reduced flavor melted across the green beans.
5. Cream of Onion with bacon vegetable protein chips.

No more than five servings of any mix of the above soups per day. Servings are 10 -15 oz.

1 Frozen reduced calorie hot chocolate smoothie.
2.Peach smoothie with juice packed peaches and diet peach yogurt with the ice.
3.Strawberry or Berry smoothie with a 3-4 inch chunk of frozen banana mixed in with the ice.

In addition to soup. Two servings daily and at least one with milk products involved. Servings are 8 to 18 oz..

Think 100-150 calories per 10 oz.

700 to 1050 calories or less each day you do it!

Free Food: Pickles, olives, black or green, sugarless gelatin, cool whip [1 dab], Meringue shells from real beaten egg whites and baked in a bun shape until having a bread or soft roll consistancy. Add only 50 calories to your total if you space them out and choose more than two per day
is Chili Beans, Green Olives & Mozzarella.