Saturday, April 25, 2015


For the natural at heart, I suppose.

Freelee Duigan

From Australia, an Aussie. Eating raw 'til 4.

Book Raw
Book Power Fruit

I haven't tried this other than the "Martha Stewart" sherbet recipe with berries, oj, banana and milk with sugar substiture. I don't think you can have the milk until after four though. The sherbet was slenderizing. Sugar free Mott's Apple products and juice packed pineapple seem slimming too. Like in 'eat all you want'. All the greens you want and fruit til four than --I don't know, I suppose one lean meat and a milk. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

From UK Slimming World day#4

A low carb day, the only one for me. Find these muffins at the link.

The diet plan is a join type plan. With a lot of clever recipes for snacking and fun meals. Just visit  Cheerios!!